Food Pyramid
Following the tips from the food pyramid makes it easy to follow a balanced nutritious diet for your family. The idea is to eat more foods from the shelves which are larger and less from those which are smaller. Scroll over each shelf to learn about the benefits of each group and recommended servings per day
Foods high in fat, sugar and salt
There are no recommended intakes for this food group because they are not essential and should be avoided if possible or at least limited to 1 serving per day. Examples of food in this group include chocolate and crisps
Reduced Fat Spreads and Oils
Choose 2 servings per day. Spreads and oils provide essential fats but these are only needed in very small amounts. Choose low fat and reduced fat spreads and oils such as rapeseed or olive oil (monunsaturated) instead of hard margarine, lard or butter.
1 serving is:
- 1 heaped teaspoon of low fat spread
- 1 teaspoon of oil per person when cooking
Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs, Beans and Nuts
Choose 2 servings per day. This food group is your main source of protein and includes lean meat such as chicken, lamb, pork or beef,as well as eggs and fish. These foods provide protein, iron, zinc, vitamin D and B vitamins. In addition, oily fish (e.g. salmon, trout and fresh tuna) is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and a good source of vitamins A and D.
Alternative sources of protein and iron include beans and pulses such as baked beans, kidney beans, lentils and chick peas. Try to serve these foods with another food or drink that is rich in vitamin C (e.g. fruit and vegetables) as this will help with iron absorption.
1 serving is:
- 50g-75g of cooked lean beef, lamb, pork or chicken
- 100g of fish
- 2 eggs
- 6 dessertspoons of peas, beans or lentils
Milk, Yoghurt and Cheese
Choose 3 servings per day. These foods provide calcium which is need for healthy bones and teeth. However, food on this shelf can be very high in saturated fat so make sure you choose low fat options regularly.
1 serving is:
- 1 large glass (200mls) of low fat millk
- 1 small carton of yoghurt
- 50g of low fat soft cheese
- 25g of low fat cheddar
Fruit and Vegetables
Choose at least 5 servings per day. These are a really important part of the diet and provide fibre and a variety of vitamins and minerals. Choose a range of different food types from this shelf to maximise the vitamins and minerals you take in through your diet.
1 serving is:
- 1 medium apple
- A small glass of fruit juice or smoothie
- A bowl of homemade vegetable soup
- 3 dessertspoons of cooked vegetables or salad
Bread, Cereals, Rice and Pasta
Choose 6-12 servings per day from this shelf depending on your activity levels. Food on this shelf are very high in energy so the more active you are the more you need. Where possible you should choose Wholemeal or Wholegrain varieties as they contain more fibre which will help your digestive system.
1 serving is:
- 1 slice of bread
- 1 bowl of cereal
- 1 medium potato
- 3 dessert spoons of rice or pasta